Donate a blanket #donatewarmth

Winters are here! And it’s really cruel to homeless people spending nights out in bitter cold. There are lakhs of underprivileged who cannot afford basic necessities and may die because of lack of roof over head or a piece of warm cloth on them. There is no bigger satisfaction than saving someone’s life.

This winter we are determined to do our little bit and try to help as many as we can. Help us to help the fellow human beings by contributing a small amount so that we can purchase more blankets for distribution.

People warm themselves by a fire to escape the cold in Delhi. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughton

An average a good quality blanket costs less than a cost of coffee at your favorite cafe (approx. INR: 150/- Rupee One hundred fifty only) depending on quality & quantity. The funds received will be used to buy blankets and will be distributed to the homeless people on the streets of Gurgaon.

How to contribute:

a. You may buy from e-commerce sites and distribute in your own way. Share your pictures with hashtags #karmastic #donatewarmth . Few reference links from Amazon India:

b. You may donate small contribution (via Paytm) and we will buy the blankets and distribute. You may also join for distribution of blankets. More hands the merrier !

Update 01st January: 200 Blankets ordered. Target Collection – Rs 32,000 (Thirty Two thousand only)

Update 03rd January: Collection till date Rs. 27,000 (Twenty Seven Thousand Only)

Update 06th January: Collection till date Rs. 28,250 (Twenty Seven Thousand Only. 200 Blankets arrived for distribution.

Update 07th January: Closed for further contributions.

200 Blankets Arrived

Update 10-11th January: Blankets distributed to needy in and around Sec 67-69 Gurgaon & Badshapur. Thanks, Everyone for your valuable contributions.


  1. Paid 250 for the blanket donation drive, thanks for the initiative.

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